In 2023, Philadelphia reported 57 pedestrian fatalities, highlighting a concerning trend. Factors such as distracted driving, speeding, and poor visibility contribute to these incidents. Implementing improved infrastructure and stricter enforcement are crucial steps toward reducing pedestrian deaths.
Philadelphia is facing a troubling trend: the increasing number of pedestrian accidents. Recent reports reveal a significant rise in pedestrian accidents, with a growing number of hit-and-run incidents. Here’s what you need to know to navigate our city streets safely.
In 2023, Philadelphia reported 126 traffic fatalities, 57 of which involved pedestrians. This highlights the severe risks pedestrians face on city streets. Across Pennsylvania, 186 pedestrians were killed in traffic incidents in 2023, and 3,145 were injured. Larger vehicles like SUVs and vans were involved in 50.7% of these accidents, while passenger cars were linked to 34.1% of pedestrian fatalities.
In early 2024, traffic safety was slightly improved, with 16 total deaths—10 of which were pedestrians. This means pedestrians represent nearly 60% of traffic fatalities this year, underscoring the urgent need for better safety measures. Many of these accidents happen during low-light conditions, with 23.4% occurring in areas without streetlights. In addition, a significant number of fatalities (73.1%) happen at non-intersections, often due to drivers not yielding.
In Pennsylvania’s no-fault system, determining liability in pedestrian accidents can be complex:
Speak with a car accident attorney at (215) GOT-HURT for free to better understand your rights and legal options following your collision.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a pedestrian accident due to driver negligence, remember that help is available. At (215) GOT-HURT, we’re ready to put our knowledge and experience to work to help secure the maximum compensation you need to move forward.
Contact us today by submitting the form below or calling our office at (215) GOT-HURT for a free consultation.
I've had a great experience with Steven's firm. They are competent, responsive and professional. I enjoyed interacting with the office members (especially Gail G.). Thanks for all your help!